Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Friends Near and Far: Thailand

                                      Thailand Presentation

During the week of March 4th, First Grade participated in our annual "Friends Near and Far" event. Each class learns about a different country and each student creates a passport to visit these countries in order to learn about the culture of the country. My class learned all about Thailand and presented what they had learned to other classes. They really enjoyed this week and did an awesome job of presenting. Below are some pictures of activities that other classes participated in as they came to visit Thailand.

Students building a house from Thailand

Students using chopsticks

Students making a Thailand flag

Awards Day for the 2nd and 3rd Nine Weeks

                                           Second Nine Weeks Awards Day

 Congratulations to all the students who were recognized for their accomplishments for the second and third nine weeks of school. The award categories included a Reading Award, Math Award, Perfect Attendance, and  Good Citizenship Award.
                             Names of Students on Top Row right to left: 
                     Rachel O., Nina F., Breanna A., Carmen R., and Carina H. 
                           Names of Students on Bottom Row right to left: 
                             Miguel B., Jose R., Jeremiah C., and Tyler S.

                                     Third Nine Weeks Awards Day

              Names of Students on Top Row right to left:
                        Nathaniel A., Rob Roy M., Rachel O., Jacob M., Nina F., Brianna C.
                              Names of Students on Bottom Row right to Left:
                          Jose R., Johnny T., Breanna A., Jeremiah C., Tyler S.