Monday, September 10, 2012

" Today Was A Sweet Day!!!! "

 I must say, although we read the book titled " Franklin's Bad Day," and shared our text-to-self connections during Language Arts, today was a SWEET day and I was extremely proud with how engaged my class was and the great behavior displayed by every student today. I decided to give each student an opportunity to pull from the treasure box. I felt today was also the perfect time to introduce my "Star Sweety Award" and explain to my students ways to earn the award. I presented two awards today and the students were very excited about the award.What a great day!!!!!

(Student Response #1 below on the left) 
The part when Franklin had a bad day, reminds me when my brother Avery kept punching me and saying, "Roar".


                    (Student Response #2 Above on the Right)
The part when Franklin had a bad day, I had a bad day too when I changed my color.

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