Thursday, October 4, 2012

Getting to Know My "Sweeties"

In Social Studies we have learned so much about each other. My students were given the opportunity to inform myself and their peers a little more about themselves, other than what is observed on a daily basis. They decorated boxes and stored 5 special items in their boxes and shared with the class why those items were special to them. My students really utilized their creativity skills and did a very nice job at sharing why each item in their boxes was special. Throughout the presentations, I was truly able to learn many personal memories and a distinctive uniqueness about all of my students. It was a fun project that diminished some fear of public speaking, taught us to respect each others differences, and ended with many "sweet' applauses.

"This is special to me because it reminds me of when I was 
a baby."  (Carmen R.)
"This is a shark, and it is special to me because it helps
me sleep." (Rob Roy M.)

"This frog is special to me becasue I got it for Easter and
I found five dollars." (Jacob M.)

"This shoe is special to me because this was my shoe when
I was a baby." (Noelia G.)

"This Hello Kitty frisbee is special because I like to play
frisbee." (Ashanti D.)

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